New Trans-Dimensional Framework for human-techno-environment research presented

After the German Congress for Geography in Kiel 2019, Karl-Michael Höferl and me have thrown our heads together to continue thinking about new and more hands-on ways to handle human-environment relations.

The result in the form of the Trans-Dimensional Framework (TraDI-Framework) has now been virtually presented at geoDISKURSE at Innsbruck University.

Here is the audio-link to our presentation (in German):


And thanks to our listeners for the awesome Q&A afterwards!

New research approach presented: Values-Based Modes of Production and Consumption from theory to practice

Perspectives on Values-based Supply Chains. 29th Annual Conference of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics – and we were there!

Our team comprising Christina Plank (Political Sciences), Rike Stotten (Sociology), and Robert Hafner (Geography) presented our new research approach on values-based modes of production and consumption by applying it to Austrian CSA cases.

Thank you very much for having us – and the interesting questions afterwards!


Stotten, R.; Plank, C.; Hafner, R. (2019): Wertebasierte Produktions- und Konsumweisen am Beispiel Solidarischer Landwirtschaft in Österreich. Perspectives on Values-based Supply Chains. 29th Annual Conference of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics.


Project with Indonesia: Cultural contexts of SDGs in a South-North-South perspective

Understanding cultural contexts of SDG implementations was at the core of two AGEF projects, financed by ASEA UNINET. In close cooperation with the Universitas Gadjah Mada in Yogyakarta and the Sebelas Maret University in Surakarta, local-regional implications of Sustainable Development Goals 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) and 15 (Life on Land) have been analysed and put in a South-North-South (South America – Europe – Indonesia) comparison. Continue reading “Project with Indonesia: Cultural contexts of SDGs in a South-North-South perspective”

Podcast on environmental (in)justice, soy and incommensurabilities

The latest edition of the podcast “Zeit für Wissenschaft” (Time for Science) featured Robert Hafner and his work on environmental (in)justice, incommensurabilities of soy production in Argentina.

The podcast can be found here:

Hafner, Robert: “Soja”. Gespräch mit Melanie Bartos im Podcast “Zeit für Wissenschaft”, Universität Innsbruck, 2017. //

#IUGSABPNWA – Science Slam 2016!

Science Slam Innsbruck 2016  – and I was part of it!

With this somewhat unorthodox title “#IUGSABPNWA oder: Es interessiert mich nicht die Bohne”, I used the stage to talk about geographic conflict research, soybean monoculture expansion and the big questions of “Hu?” and “What?” to visualise multiple  and often not understandable perspectives on environmental justice and fairness.


Award: Österreichischer Nachwuchspreis für Entwicklungsforschung

Im Rahmen der 25. OeAD-Hochschultagung verlieh die Kommission für Entwicklungsforschung den Österreichischen Preis für Entwicklungsforschung, der aus Mitteln des BMWFW finanziert wird. Dr. Georg Grünberg erhält den diesjährigen Preis, mit dem er für sein Lebenswerk geehrt wird. Der Nachwuchspreis 2015 geht an Robert Hafner MSc, Mitarbeiter am Institut für Geografie an der Universität Innsbruck.