On January 28, 2015, the center for academic spin-offs tyrol (CAST) awarded the best ideas of 2014; and our project R|V|U (regional verantwortliches Unternehmen; i.e. regionally responsible company), promoting the idea of Corporate Regional Responsibilty as a new tool to strengthten the ties between companies, regional stakeholders and locals as well as the natural environment, ranked in sixth place!
Our interdisciplinary team (Verena Schröder, Heinz Strobl, Florian Timmermann, Philipp Wegerer and Robert Hafner) could convince the jury to be picked among 80 participating projects for the final round in order to present and discuss the innovative start-up idea. We were the only non-technology based team among the top ten.
For further information (in German), read the official press release here.