Here is a list of maps and figures (designed by Robert Hafner, 2016):
Figure: Phases of soy production in Argentina
(own elaboration based on: Bolsa de Cereales; Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería; Martínez Dougnac, 2013, p. 9; SIIA, 2016; PROATLAS, 2016)
Map: Soy frontiers in Argentina and their location in respective ecoregions
Map: Change in precipitation in the Chaco Salteño 1960–2007
Map: Forest Law Zoning of the Chaco Salteño
Map: Conflictivity and land tenure in the Chaco Salteño
Map: Author’s first evaluation of (visual) conflict potentials in Las Lajitas
Figure: Comparison of environmental justice concepts
Figure: Environmental Justice Incommensurabilities Framework
Figure: Directions of environmental bads’ distribution