New UIBK subject_dossier: FOOD – I am part of it

Innsbruck University has started a new cross-disciplinary and themed format. Subject_3 deals with food – and I have contributed his knowledge on soy, its production and envirionmental justice.

To see the full multivisual dossier, follow this link (DE):

Finally PhD!

I finally got my PhD in Geography!

Podcast on environmental (in)justice, soy and incommensurabilities

The latest edition of the podcast “Zeit für Wissenschaft” (Time for Science) featured Robert Hafner and his work on environmental (in)justice, incommensurabilities of soy production in Argentina.

The podcast can be found here:

Hafner, Robert: “Soja”. Gespräch mit Melanie Bartos im Podcast “Zeit für Wissenschaft”, Universität Innsbruck, 2017. //

#IUGSABPNWA – Science Slam 2016!

Science Slam Innsbruck 2016  – and I was part of it!

With this somewhat unorthodox title “#IUGSABPNWA oder: Es interessiert mich nicht die Bohne”, I used the stage to talk about geographic conflict research, soybean monoculture expansion and the big questions of “Hu?” and “What?” to visualise multiple  and often not understandable perspectives on environmental justice and fairness.


The Risk of Inclusion

Socio-ecological conflicts and environmental justice viewed from the Chaco Occidental, a soy frontier of globalisation

[10/2012 – 06/2017]

The cultivation, commodification and distribution of soy have, particularly in Latin America, undergone enormous growth and internationalisation processes. Driven by its high lucrativeness new territories for GM soybean monocultures are explored. Here, the example of the Chaco Occidental, a traditionally peripheral region with high deficits in terms of economic and infrastructure is presented. Due to globalisation processes and favoured by climate change, significant structure and power shifts are observed at the new frontier of globalisation, leading to socio-ecological conflicts among old and new regional actors as well as varying interests groups. Continue reading “The Risk of Inclusion”